Just the bare minimum
I made this from a website I converted to be used with CMSMS, then I made it to have a parallax image at the top with the Site Name over the image.
The menu was fun to do as it flies out, I even figured out how to make it go away when clicking anywhere in the menu or anywhere on the page below the top bar I tried that but it turns out it will open the menu also, so we'll just leave it to the first 2 actions.
Ok, so I did get it to work, FUN!
What I'm Doing
Currently I'm working on some themes that I had converted years ago and just found in an old database/file search thru my many old HDDs, so we shall see.
These are images I found on the innerwebs and basically stole them. Think they will ever find out?

Going to Church?
How about this one, some church basically out in the middle of nowhere?

About Me
Something about me?, this is from my blogger (you remember that google platform, right? oh, you may not be that old like me) blog that I started way back.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
posted by mark at 7:32 PM
Something to do
I've been trying out a new software for websites, it runs on your server and you log in to make pages. It is data base driven, I've ported 3 sites that I work on 1 site is live, but it's all pretty much hand coded. When I first started out I would do it all by hand then I found something called City Desk which they have a free version it is actually very a nice program, it runs on your computer, it comes with a built in template and you can download 1 more from them for free. I also found some more on the web that other people made for it, soon I was making my own by learning HTML and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) well that's all for now, there's more to come.....
Then I found some free CMS (content management system) on the innerwebs but most of them I found to be too convoluted or just strange, one had you basically fill out a form as to what be a CSS, size of text, color, H1 size, color, etc., I was building them by hand with notepad, HTML/CSS so to me this was just cray cray talk till I found CMSMS and found it to be very intuitive to use, the html was just like I was using except instead of having to keep going back and editing ever page to add more pages to the site(be back later to finish).
I've been working on coding websites since 2000 or so, and have been doing it for a living since 2006, I have seen a lot of sites/designs.
These are some of the ones I saw on the innerwebs that I liked so I converted them. I converted most of them to use CSS3 replacing images for round corners and making them responsive.
If you have any need for me to convert a favorite template/theme to be used for CMSMS or brought up to modern/responsive standards Contact me.
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